The Paint Window

You can bring up the Action Tools Window by doing any of:
  • Opening up the window from the main toolbar's button.
  • By using

mrViewer supports some action tools to be used in manipulating the image or video.
The Action Tools contains, from top to bottom, left to right, the scrub action (
) --default for LMB--, the move picture action (Scale with
), the color area selection button (default
), the grease pencil tool (
) which allows you to draw with the color and pen size you select below, the circle tool to draw circles in the image, the eraser (
) tool to partially erase some of the drawings, the arrow tool (
) to draw arrows in the image, the text tool (
) for adding single lines of text, the rectangle tool (
) to draw rectangles in the image and the copy frame, x, y coords and other info (
) into the clipboard.

You can select any of the tools and
will perform the operation of the tool.
The scrub tool allows you to scrub the playback with audio.
The move picture tool allows you to move and scale the picture to position it somewhere else in the canvas. It mainly allows you to have the foreground and background in some different area of the window.
In drawing or erasing the tool will allow you to draw as you drag.
With the circle, arrow or rectangle tool, you can draw by dragging.
In the case of the text tool, a popup first allows you to select the font and font size you will use for the text. After you set that, you can click and a popup will allow you to type in the text. To confirm the text, you should click on the green cross of the popup. To cancel the text input you can hit ESC or clean the popup and click on the now red cross. At any time, you can click or drag on the image to reposition the text. To exit the text tool, you should select another tool, like the scrub tool.
At any point in time you can undo or redo any of the drawing tools with the rounded arrows at the bottom of the action window or action dockbar. You can also use the shortcuts (by default,
for undo and redo respectively).
The third row of the tools allows you to select whether the drawing you make is used in all frames or only in the current frame of the movie.
The drawings you make can have ghosting on for the previous and for the next frames. This allows you to see the frame previous or following and thus helps you to draw animations one frame at a time or see the pencil sketch fade in and out when playing out the movie file.
Finally, the last row contains two arrows which allow you to undo or redo the last shapes drawn. The undo buffer contains no limit other than the memory of your computer.